About x_batch

X_batch toolbox allows the user to specify and store file processing protocols and then use them to automate fMRI processing in SPM. Additionally, it helps to document file processing steps, since all parameters, file locations and processing dates are recorded. Currently, we use Protégé ontology software to store this information, in an effort to contribute to the Dartmouth fMRI Data Management Tool project. Thus, all collected information is saved in a Protégé ontology, in other words, in a Protégé-readable file (namely, spm.pprj). You do not have separately install Protégé in order to use x_batch toolbox. The x_batch.zip, containing the toolbox, includes a protégé.jar file necessary for Protégé API (in Java).

The installation instructions are written for Matlab R13. The x_batch toolbox requires Java version 1.3 (or higher), which is included with R13. Before installing the toolbox, make sure that Matlab is not running in ‘nojvm’ mode. If you are using previous versions of Matlab, contact sadcat@users.sourceforge.net for additional installation information.
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Last modified: Sun Oct 03 PST 2004 by Xenia Hertzenberg (sadcat(at) u.washington.edu)